Exploring Data Science: Where to Begin?

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    Muskan Choudhary

    Hello, fellow data enthusiasts! I’m about to plunge into the captivating world of data science, but I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by the vast array of resources and options available. Can anyone share their journey into data science and offer some advice on where to start? What were the key learning resources, courses, or projects that helped you gain a solid foundation in this field? I’m particularly interested in hearing about your challenges and how you overcame them. Let’s kickstart this discussion and help aspiring data scientists like myself navigate the exciting journey ahead!

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  • Replies
    mr shad
    Exploring data science? Start with fundamentals: learn programming languages like Python and R, understand statistics, and grasp concepts like data wrangling and visualization. Explore online resources like Coursera, DataCamp, or Spacilly recommend Uncodemy for structured courses. Dive into real-world projects to apply your knowledge. Keep learning and experimenting!
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