What are the main issues of diabetes?

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    tonya russell
    Diabetes is a long-term biochemical disorder that causes a lot of problems. For starters, it makes blood sugar levels unsteady, which can cause tiredness, greater thirst, and having to go to the bathroom more often. Diabetes that isn’t well controlled can lead to long-term problems like nerve damage, kidney disease, and heart issues. Individuals with diabetes must also follow certain food guidelines and regularly check their blood sugar levels. Following treatment plans, such as taking medications, watching what you eat, and working out, is very important but can be hard to do. Taking care of diabetes can be stressful, which can lead to mental health problems like sadness and worry. Another important problem is the financial load, since diabetes care can cost a lot. Lastly, spreading knowledge and education about how to avoid and treat diabetes are still very important for dealing with this worldwide health problem.
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